Ferns are an outstanding choice for a planted aquarium because they are beautiful, attractive and very easy to keep alive. They are often mistaken for true tropical plants because of their crinkly, shiny leaves. The truth is that ferns come in a wide variety of colors and can add great interest to any aquarium, but they also require very little maintenance. This article will discuss the basics of planting a terrarium and the ferns that should be considered.
Ferns are aquatic plants, which means they grow on the water surface. Most ferns do well in water containing calcium and magnesium and other alkaline minerals. Many kinds of ferns are somewhat drought resistant, but others require high levels of water and fertilizer to thrive. Some types of ferns are quite susceptible to algae. Ferns with thick foliage are more attractive to fish and other animals in your aquarium, so it is best to choose these specimens when creating your terrarium design.
Some of the most popular ferns for a terrarium are Java Fern, Waterfall Fern and Wallflowers. The Waterfall fern is one example of a plant that actually grows upside down. You only need to keep the water flowing through the root system and you will have an instant waterfall. The Waterfall fern can survive in small plastic containers provided that they are kept relatively dry. It does quite well in low-water conditions, which is good news if your terrarium will not be flooded frequently.
The Java Fern is another beautiful fern that does well in a planted aquarium. It has dark green leaves that are long and thin. Its appearance closely resembles that of a fern, but it is not a true fern. It is a much better fit for a planted aquarium as it will not compete with your fish and does not tend to grow too quickly. As with all Java Ferns, they do well in an aquarium that has fish that like to graze on the plants.
Watercress is also another fern that is often mistakenly sold as Wallflowers. These plants look very similar to Wallflowers, but they do not grow as large. However, they are ideal for aquariums where there are a lot of plants to look at. Like all Wallflowers, Watercress is not very heavy or roots-attracting. They will grow in small plastic containers.
One fern that is good for a planted aquarium is the Ephedra Fern. This is a fast growing, beautiful fern that is great for a planted aquarium. If you grow this fern in a glass container, you will find it very easy to keep alive.
The easiest way to provide shelter for your Ferns is by using gravel on your tank. This looks best with mossy ephedra Ferns. If you are using ephedra, make sure that you grow it on a gravel bed so that the roots will get the moisture that they need. Ephedra is very efficient in converting light into energy, so you can use this energy to help your Ferns thrive. However, it is important to remember that these ferns are tropical plants and can easily be eaten by fish. Therefore, never feed your ferns with leftover fish food from your aquarium.
Ferns are very versatile plants, which makes them great additions to most any aquarium. You can have ferns in your tank along with many other plants like Java Fern, Watercress, or other live plants. If you grow Ferns, there is a good chance that you will want to change the type of plants in the aquarium because your ferns will grow too fast and take over the water that is available. However, if you only have ferns in the aquarium because they look good, you should keep them on the bottom of the aquarium. They will not crowd out the other plants, and they will not dominate the space in the aquarium as much.