Common chives are a familiar sight in herb gardens: sprigs of yellow-green, dwarf growth plants that thrive in the soil of all kinds of gardens and even in backyards. There are three common chives types: curly chives, perennial chives, and cut chives. Common chives typically consist of small, thin bulbs with bright green leaves that yield thin, white, fragrant, blue-green flowers ranging from eight to ten inches in diameter. The colorful, edible, and aromatic flowers can be red, pink, silver, white, or yellow depending on species. They tend to grow in sunny regions, and can be successfully planted in all kinds of gardens. However, they are not at all common in containers or raised garden arrangements.
There are three species of common chives: Clusters, perennial, and shrub. All three varieties have similar leaves ranging from gray to green in color and flowers ranging from eight to ten inches in diameter. There are some variations in appearance and growth habits among the different varieties, but they all result in the same dull-green, short-lived flowers that are quite unsightly. When planting, care is needed to allow for expansion so that the clumps do not compact and create a shape that resembles a fortress. Care should also be taken to remove leaves from the plants each week during the growing season, or else they will dry out and die. This requires removing the flowers from the clump every two weeks during that time.
Most common chives are perennials and bloom for one to two years. They are known for their frugal appetite as they will not continue to grow if they are adequately fed. Harvesting should be done after the first frost. Harvesting should be done either by hand or with a knife, either immediately before the leaves begin to turn color (known as new growth) or shortly after the leaves begin to turn color (known as old growth). Harvesting should be done before new growth begins to develop.
In most cases it is best to divide the plants into three groups. One group should be divided so that young shoots and roots are removed while older, hardier plants should be left intact. The remaining plants should be divided again, so that the young shoots and roots on the outer leaves are removed while the hardier leaves on the interior leaves are divided so that the younger shoots and roots cannot grow out on to the main plant. The third group of plants should then be replanted just before late spring.
In order for the garlic chives to thrive, the garden soil has to be rich and fertile with the right combination of nutrients. The plants should receive a sufficient amount of sunlight so that they can remain healthy. The flowers have to be fed often so that they do not wilt. When the plants have established themselves, it will be easier to pickle them.
The most important thing to remember when growing chives is that they have very sensitive taste buds. Therefore, it is essential to avoid any kind of acidic substance. Some people choose to buy allium schoenoprasum instead, which is a natural way to grow chives without the risk of acidity. However, a common chives grower prefers to buy garlic chives because they prefer the taste and appearance of this milder variety, especially in comparison to other varieties that have a stronger, more bitter taste.
There are two different methods used to cook Chinese chives. The first technique, which is used most commonly, is to slice the leaves into thin wedges and cook them on a hot fire. Another method, which is less common but is faster and easier, is to crush the leaves and add them to a pot full of simmering water with a few drops of vinegar. When cooked, this results in a thicker consistency with a richer flavor, which is often preferred.
These tips should help anyone who wants to grow their own fresh Chinese chives. Allium schoenoprasum is a great plant to start with, as long as you ensure that they get enough light and moisture, and that you water them enough so that they do not wilt away. Once your chives begin to flower, you can move onto purchasing alliums and building a robust chives garden.