If you want to learn a little bit about growing basil from supermarket plant containers, then this article was written for you. Specifically, I will discuss why growing basil from a container is so easy, the proper way to plant it, and how to keep it growing well. After reading this article, you should have a better idea about which herbs you would like to grow in a small indoor garden. Plus, hopefully you will be able to find an herb that you actually enjoy growing and planting!
So why should you be growing basil from plant containers? The main reason is that you don’t have to deal with the hassles of digging up dead flowers or leaves and stems and putting them into your compost pile. With a single stem, all you have to do is clip off the tips, leaving the whole plant intact. It’s much easier than trying to recycle a vase full of dead flowers or leaves.
Another great advantage of growing basil from a container is that you can easily move it inside if you are too cold or in the rain for a few days. In fact, basil can handle being indoors for two weeks during the winter before you transfer it back outside. And during the summer months, you can still keep it indoors, although you may trim some of the shorter growing branches to give room for the more bushy ones. You should also check and make sure that you don’t have any weeds sprouting up near the area you intend to plant basil. If you have any weeds in the flowerbed, they must be trimmed away before you even take the plant from the garden.
And lastly, basil is not like other garden herbs where you can just pluck out the leaves and put them in your vegetable or salad dish. When you plant basil, you have to ensure that you plant it in a soil that is not soggy. If you don’t, the herb will actually rot because it does not get enough oxygen and water to grow properly. So try to keep the soil damp but not moist.
The fourth advantage of growing basil from a supermarket is the amount of variety you can get from them. Because you are growing basil in containers, you can get many different varieties of basil all in one place. You can even grow basil outdoors if you live in an area with warm temperatures during the growing season. That way, you can get basil all year long instead of only having it available for the summer season. You may even decide to switch your daily basil intake just to get the most varieties at one time.
And another great thing about growing basil from a supermarket is that they are so cheap. Many people do not even realize how cheap they are compared to buying the herbs in the market when they plant the herbs themselves in the ground. It’s true that you will need to buy pots for growing basil but compared to the price of the herbs in the store, you will definitely save money by growing your own herbs in pots.
Another advantage of growing basil from a supermarket is that they have all kinds of designs and themes for you to choose from. Just like when you are growing other plants, you will have to pick the kind of pots and soil that you will use for growing your herb. Also, the pots are made to fit specific kinds of plants. If you want a sunny garden herb, then get a pot that has holes on the bottom for the sun to flow through.
The last but not least, you should know that growing basil from pots is easy. Really, you will just have to follow a few basic steps so you can have your herb garden right away. Once you do that, you will not have any problems anymore with your herb garden as long as you remember these advantages. Try growing your own basil this summer and reap the benefits that basil has to offer.