While many people will claim that deer problems can be easily solved by simply planting more flowers, it is important to know the why and how of keeping deer from destroying your flower garden. This is not only an ethical issue but a practical one as well. The plantings that work best with deer problems are going to be those that utilize existing features. While some flowers may grow better in certain areas than others, the overall planting layout is important for the safety of both human visitors and animals.
If your flower garden draws deer repeatedly, there are a number of different things you can do to deter them from visiting your garden. You can make your area more attractive by installing motion activated sprinklers or even use deterrent paints to paint over problem areas. These methods can be expensive and may not be possible for many gardens.
One of the most popular methods of how to keep deer out of a flower garden that is used by deer problems persons is to plant tall-growing bushes in thickets. You should use these types of bushes and plants that are strong and sturdy. You should try and plant your garden so that they are dense enough that deer cannot hide behind them. You can also use other means of camouflage in addition to using tall bushes and plants.
If your flower garden does attract deer problems, you should dig several small holes in the ground around the area of your flower garden. You should place your dog in each hole and allow him to keep him there for a period of time. If the dog stays in one of the holes, the deer will begin to go to that spot. This will cause the deer to think that there is food in that particular area, which is exactly what you do not want to happen.
One of the ways in which deer problems occur is because of their smell. You should try and eliminate as much of the smell from your flower garden as possible. One way to do this is by using citrus scented sprays. You should also lightly mist your garden with any type of fertilizer. This will help eliminate the smell that is produced by deer. Spraying your garden with pine pollen can be another excellent way of keeping deer out of your flower garden.
Another method that you can use to help eliminate deer problems is by planting tall shrubs, weeds and plants that do not produce leaves. These types of plants are known as nooks and crannies. Deer problems occur more often in these areas than anywhere else. These are the locations in your garden that tend to be the most well hidden for deer to use when they are looking for food.
If you are still wondering how to keep deer out of a flower garden after having read this article, you may want to consider planting onions and garlic in your flowerbeds. These are both very strong-smelling vegetables. Not only are they smellier than most other vegetables, but they can also repel deer. Garlic can be wrapped in cheesecloth and inserted into the area of your flowerbed. This will act as a mulch for the soil and deer will have a harder time grazing on it.
Finally, another method of how to keep deer out of a flower garden is to use motion sprinklers. These devices shoot out a fine spray of water that keeps the area wet. This will help to drown out the smell that is produced by deer. These devices are sometimes called “frost sprays” and can be purchased at any gardening or lawn retailer. They can be an effective way to deter deer problems in a flowerbed, because their use depends on whether the area is in bloom or not.